Robert Allan

Director of Paid Media, Home Hardware

Robert Allan is the Director of Paid Media at Home Hardware. Previously, Rob held similar roles at Lowe's Canada and The Toronto Star. He specializes in digital media products, providing invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of digital media and consumer behavior. Before delving into media, Rob spearheaded web development and e-commerce initiatives in the IT sector. His educational background encompasses computer programming and marketing, providing a holistic approach to problem-solving. Rob prides himself on bridging technology and marketing seamlessly, driving tangible results, and fostering continuous innovation in the realm of paid media.

Session: The role of Insights in Demonstrating ROI and supporting Canadian Media

It's well known that Media Content is Queen and Creative is King. The choice of Content is a hot topic in Media Planning, where finding the right balance of Traditional and Digital Investments helps brands grow in the short- and long-term. This talk covers how Canadian Marketers leverage Analytics and Machine Learning to drive Insights for action. From the boardroom and stakeholder buy-in, to media planning, all the way through to the media Canadian consumers are exposed to daily. Hear from the Director of Paid Media at Canada's own retailer, Home Hardware, is leveraging ML and Analytics to influence media planning decisions, and how this work has translated into meaningful ROI (Return on Insights) for the organization. This talk will highlight a variety of things happening behind the scenes of an ROI, and what Marketers are looking for from Insights Professionals to help support the conversation internally.