Kathy Cheng

CEO, Nexxt Intelligence | inca

Kathy founded Nexxt Intelligence with 20+ years of global market research experience, and a conviction that quantitative research could be improved by adding a qualitative dimension and using qualitative principles of building rapport, engagement, projection, and probing to deliver deeper insight at scale. That’s the motivation behind inca, Nexxt Intelligence’s Conversational AI for deeper insight faster. Previously Kathy worked at Environics, Ipsos in Canada, and Nielsen in Shanghai.

Panel: Panel: A.I. & Insights – Guidance, Cautions, and Opportunities for Agencies & Clients

Session: Unlocking the Power of Conversational AI: Reshaping Data Collection and Decision-Making 一A case study from Nestle Canada and Nexxt Intelligence | inca

Nestle Canada had two big ideas to test for BOOST through focus groups, followed by quantitative validation. There was, however, a promising third idea that emerged after an internal Nestle creativity summit, and the team needed to evaluate the new idea, against the stronger one of the original two identified from the focus groups, both qualitatively and quantitatively, all within the same tight budget and timeline. The focus groups would conclude on Wednesday Nov 15, 2023. The stims for the third idea would become available on Friday Nov 17. The BOOST team would need a clear direction on which idea to move forward with on the following Monday, Nov 20th to lock scripts and begin Director recruitment. Traditionally, this would have been a mission impossible. This case study will showcase how conversational AI came to the rescue, revolutionizing the way we approach data collection and decision-making. Specifically, we will explore: 1. Enhanced data collection: Through intelligent probing and engaging conversations with 500 Canadians, conversational AI allowed us to gather specific and elaborated feedback at scale, which provided actionable insights for the team to work with. 2. Empowered data sharing: Conversational AI generated dynamic results that parsed and cross-referenced quantitative metrics and open-ended diagnostic feedback. The project team and creative agency reviewed the results and evolved their learnings in real-time, just as if they were sitting in the backroom of a focus group discussion, with hundreds of people. 3. Human-focused insights at scale: While quantitative metrics are important, they don’t always provide the complete picture. The case study highlights the undeniable power of nuances and context that point to a clear call-to-action, and confidence in pushing beyond ‘comfort’. Such human-focused insights outweighed the quantitative metrics in this case, and played a pivotal role in decision-making.