Christian Bourque

Executive Vice-President - Eastern Canada, Leger

Christian has close to 30 years of experience in public opinion and market research. Christian is Executive Vice-President and Senior Partner at Leger and manages its Eastern Canada teams of researchers. As a media spokesperson for the company, Christian regularly comments on Canadian politics and society; and is also a consumer trends columnist on the Fench CBC. Christian still teaches research methodology at Université de Montréal. Christian is a CAIP certified researcher.

Session: Consumerism in Flux: Navigating Purchase Behaviour in Canada's Affordability Crisis

The affordability crisis is more than a financial challenge for Canadians; it's transforming their lifestyles and values. This presentation, backed by Leger's extensive multi-year research, will explore how inflation is impacting mental health, retail habits, online shopping, and travel decisions. We'll reveal how Canadians are adapting, with a focus on changing brand loyalties and the emergence of the "frugal is cool" trend. Utilizing Leger's cutting-edge analytics, we'll offer insights into various industry sectors, addressing the broader implications for consumer behavior and future life perspectives in Canada.